Friday, January 13, 2012

Blah Lazy Fluff Post

Right now I'm working on (okay, thinking about) a post about cartoon food and post modernism and the comfort of sterile public spaces, but until I sort all that out:

Twelve Scandalous Confessions!!!!

1. I have a personal Netflix account that I only stream on my laptop. I use it to watch embarrassing things.

2. I got a new supervisor at work, and she's been keeping me pretty busy. Even though I talk  about how I'm "self actualized enough to not need a job or career for personal fulfillment," the added responsibilities secretly make me feel a lot better about myself.

3. More frequently that I would I like to admit, I mistakenly believe that a person staring out the window/at at TV/etc. is staring at me. I am extremely flattered and then greatly humbled.

4. I think I used up all my willpower during my perfectionist years. I can't make myself do anything even vaguely unpleasant anymore. Including getting up in the morning. I was late for work so frequently that I just decided to tell everyone that my hours are ten to five.

      4.1. I let my coworkers believe that I'm a student so that they expect less out of me at work.

5. Sometimes I think that I'm on the verge of a personal literary breakthrough. (This might be the most embarrassing one of all.)

6. A bag of recycling blew off our porch last week during a storm. I avoided picking up the bottles and boxes for like five days, and then the stuff was gone. Did our neighbors clean up our yard?

7. I don't put laundry away anymore. I have a clean clothes basket and a dirty clothes basket.

8. Sometimes I become convinced (By advertising?? By blogs I read?? By advertisements on blogs I read??) that a certain product will solve all the problems in my life.

9. I can't decide whether or not having a blog is stupid.

10. I think that I am nice on the surface, and then mean just underneath the surface. And then nice again under that. A mean sandwich. With nice bread.

11. Occasionally, something annoying happens in my house. Maybe a shampoo bottle is sitting in the shower empty or some belonging of mine is out of place. I instinctually get angry at my roommates before realizing that the annoying thing is actually my fault.

12. I am really happy right now.

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